A Shocking Discovery
Unfortunately, he could not get any detail about his birth mother. But he kept on pressing as he still could not believe that the agency did not know anything about his mother. Perhaps the agency was not willing to divulge in any details about his mother.
An Information
However, the agency did tell him something astonishing about his family. Well, this piece of information shattered his life. And then he realized why he used to feel that there was something missing in his life.
Kept In Dark
After putting the phone down he immediately called his adoptive mother and asked her if what he had been told by the agency was true or not. Surprisingly, his mother had no idea. She too was kept in dark. You must be wondering what was he told by the agency that created chaos among his family?
Identical Twin
The man had an IDENTICAL TWIN brother. They were separated at the time of adoption. How could he not know that he has an identical twin? Why was it kept from him and his adoptive family? And most importantly where was his identical twin?
The Twin Brother
Now everything began to make sense. Why he always used to feel as if something was missing from his life. It was his twin brother. Where was he? Does he know that he has a twin brother? He needed to find out. Howard asked the agency about his whereabouts.
The Search Begins
Unfortunately, the adoption agency did not disclose his current address to him nor did they give him any record of his. “I spent about two years, every day, thinking about this. It never left,” Howard explained.