That day the water was over her head, she had several things running inside her mind. She thought what would happen when the cat grows to his full length and the thought horrified her. So was her speculation correct or was she worrying in vain?
She knew this was the time she had to take matters into her hands because the man was ignorant and was out on business trips most of the time and didn’t really realize what danger this animal will put her as well as others in. So she decided to call for help.
Calling For Help
Wasting no time she dialed the number of local animal rescue police and they were at her place within few minutes. After the woman had described the animal they were quite sure that it wasn’t just another kitten.
As the rescue team reached her place they were reluctant to go inside the house as they were afraid that the unknown animal might attack them. So the landlady took a picture and showed it to them. It had a striking resemblance to a cat but it wasn’t a breed they had ever seen. What breed was it?
Going In

Regardless of the types of equipment and safety they had, they had their hearts in their mouth but then it was their duty to protect people from danger so how can they put their foot down so they stepped in.
The Vet’s Office
They rushed to the vet’s office with the animal to find out what was it in reality. And the doctor too, without wasting any time went on to examine it only to find out that what they believed to be some exotic breed was actually a baby puma!