The Wolfman
Seeing this unusual behavior of wolves and Werner towards each other, Freund was named as the Wolfman. Not many people show the courage to home these wild beings and nor do wolves exhibit the instinct to not harm man. What makes the bond between these two species this different is something far away from being understandable. Many media channels and reporters made Freund the main headline for his not so ordinary life.
Find in the video attached to know more about this Wolfman in the slides that follow.
Some Scars
As a sign of subservience and acknowledgment, the wolves joyfully lick Werner’s face. However, these licks at times hurt Werner as the wolves show their delight by violently poking their muzzles into the corners of their beloved mouth. This is though horrifying but is a way of greeting amongst the wolves. Werner has got some scars, pockmarks, and sometimes even comes away with a black eye after such encounters. Still, he says that intimacy is needed to become one with the pack and is fine with such minute injuries.
Terrifying Wolves

This picture clearly depicts how terrifying can wolves be. One can not take wild animals easily. At the end they are called wild for a reason and expecting them to treat you with care and caution is quite insane. Here, the wolf as a mark of love and acceptance is nibbling over the lips of Werner and he seems to reciprocate it with all he could. Freund needs to vaccinate himself to stay fit and healthy amongst these beings.
Wolf Howling
Wolves are believed to howl for many reasons. They howl as a way of communicating with other wolves. They make such sounds when they are rallying for a hunt, mourning, or communicating with another pack of wolves. The members recognize the voice of the howling of their fellow wolves. Surprisingly, Werner Freund also howls which makes wolves relate to him even more easily. Yet, there is a lot more about Werner Freund.
Battling The Myth
The prime reason for Werner to come up with the Wofspark sanctuary was the idea that he wanted to break the myth that “Wolves Are Dangerous”. He says it was in fairy tales that wolves were depicted as wild and outrageously aggressive animals. Red Riding Hood also shaped our thinking that they attack humans. However, the fact is that wolves do their thing until left undisturbed. They are not wild either. Werner is not an ordinary man he is an extra-ordinary male.
Alpha Male
Werner is an Alpha Male. A male who has dominated the entire pack of Wolves at the Wolfspark. He himself is a wolf amongst the wolves. He eats like them, howls alike. People and other wildlife sanctuaries report to him for understanding the wolves behavior. We think it’s safe to say that no one other than Werner would have the courage to do what he is doing. This is what makes him special and why he deserves the title of an “Alpha Male”. A human dominating the entire pack of animals and behaving as an alpha male to earn their acceptance and respect.