Not Alone
We know that Yello’s behavior isn’t the norm for male cats and he proved that he was not like other cats. He was different and special by all means. He knew what love is and how to give it back. He was doing everything like a human. He was there when the kittens call for Tam. He cleaned them and made sure they don’t feel lonely when Tam is not around. Just like Yello, the cat owners have reported that their male cats help out with cleaning the kittens, playing around with them, and sticking with them all day. Some male cats have even brought the kittens’ litters to the house to show them to the owner.
Great Pictures
When Duong posted the pictures online that were incredible to see, everyone on the internet was in awe and appreciated Yello’s behavior during all of this. Everyone on the internet and social media saw Yello’s dedication towards his newborns and love was all over the internet. Yello proved that pets are taken care properly, they can also reciprocate their love towards the owners and other animals. You can imagine the attention this family got where one album received over 8,000 reactions on Facebook alone.
Duong never expected such attention from the people but somehow Yello’s behavior melted the hearts all over the internet. “I almost ran out of battery because [of all the] reports,” she wrote on her Facebook. “My cat is famous. Look at [his] wife and children that are still lying [next] to each other and dry my tears.”
More Attention
Duong’s cat got even more attention when one user uploaded the photos onto Imgur. She told that on Imgur the photos have gotten over 500,000 views. The users who saw the photos left several supportive comments under the pictures. The story of Tam and Yello was trending on the internet and this was just the start. With time the story became more and more popular on the internet.
One user was in shock after seeing the album filled with photos of Yello who seemed to be so much in love with his kittens. “I have never seen a father cat in my life,” the Imgur user wrote. “This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.” We think stories like these where pets do something special and different must have made other pet owners proud of their own pets. There was no stopping and the comments kept coming.
More Comments
One user noticed something amazing between Yello and most new fathers. “He looks stressed, then caring, then attentive, then content,” one Imgur user noticed about Yello. “Just like human fathers going through the same experience.”