When the babies finally made it into the world, Yello did not stand by the gate anymore and was ready to take the role of a dedicated father. He ran over to the kittens and began to clean them off. He was doing it very slowly and swiftly as if he knew that he might hurt them. Once he was done cleaning the babies he ran over to see the love of his life Tam. He was happy to find that Tam was okay. But then something unexpected happened that shocked Duong.
Kiss Of Love
In one of the photos, you can actually see what appears to be a kiss that was exchanged between Tam and Yello. The moment of watching both of them this close and in love would have been a moment worth capturing. Thanks to Duong who managed to capture these images. But there was something more that Duong captured between all of this. She saw Yello in a very different light.
Yello’s Behavior
When interviewed by Bored Panda, Duong told them about Yello’s change in behavior. Yello was never really friendly and only spent time with Tam or the family dog, she explained. Yello who has always loved his personal space shocked Duong completely. Now, he was taking care of Tam and four kittens. But then Yello left them surprised after he did this.
Some Odd Behavior
Many experts on cats found that there are times when male cats often try to kill kittens when they are born. But why did they do that? In fact, that’s why many people advise keeping the male cat away from pregnant cats. Keeping that in mind Duong started to keep an extra eye on Yello. But somehow she was shocked to see this behavior from her cat. There were no words but only tears.
Born Predators
Cats come from the family who is predators by birth. They survive on their animal instinct that demands hunting. Just like lions who kill off their newborn cubs to increase their chance of mating with female lions in the pride. Male cats also kill their cubs if they feel there is a threat to their dominance. But Yello left everybody in shock and what he did change everything.
Unusually Paternal
With all of the information we have here, Yello’s attitude towards everything was shocking for everybody in the house. You won’t find any male cat taking care of the newborn kittens but he was different. He was ready to take the role of a father and was willing to give all the love and care that was required during that time. Yello is truly a special cat and a great father.