Wildly Facts About Cats
Before we further go into the story, let us make you aware of some facts that revolve around the cats. Did you know adult cats only meow to communicate with humans? Yes, they do so to get your full attention. So, next time your cat meows, give her some of your attention too. They can even recognize your voice but just act like they don’t care but cats also love their owner. You’ll be amazed to know what Yello did. He is for sure different from any other cats.
More About Cats
If talking on general terms, female cats are typically right-pawed while male cats are left-pawed. Cats have some unique ways to show their affection towards their owners. First of all, cats and dogs are very different species and get this out of your head if your cat doesn’t like to sit on your lap that doesn’t mean she is not affectionate. Not all cats are lap lovers. You should pay attention to other details, like, she may enjoy sitting beside you or maybe even a little further.
Little Details To Note
Though your cat doesn’t like to sit on your lap but think about how many times your cat has rubbed her head against you (head bunting), have given you one of those slow-blink cat kisses or might have rubbed alongside you, cute purred sounds or those scratchy-tongue kisses. All these signs are ways in which they show their affection towards you.
Even there are some little details that as being an owner you should take care of. Like dogs, cats don’t like belly rubs. Rubbing their belly can trigger a defensive response. Some cats may also have choices of places where they like to be touched. Some cats like long massages and some prefer a little stroke on their upper body.
She Wants To Know You
For cats, you are really special ( though they don’t show to act too cool) and spend a great deal of effort in getting to know you. They take note of what you like and what you don’t( they have a bigger memory than an iPad). If you do the same in taking care of the things they like and don’t like then you increase your chances of having a perfect relationship with your cat that you’ve always wanted.
Solitary Or Social?
No, cats are not solitary creatures. They are also social animals, it’s just that their social structure is different than the dogs. They are considered to predators who hunt alone because they go after the prey that’ll be sufficient for them. We agree that they come from the family of predators but they don’t act like one when it comes to living with a family. They also try to engage themselves in any way they can. But being a predator they just remain cautious in certain situations.
So next time people say that they don’t like cats, you have some facts that can change the misconception around them.
Daddy Cat
Duong searched for Yello and there he was, standing at the door but watching everything closely. He was behaving like a human. It is said that a cat’s brain is 90% similar to a human’s and have nearly identical sections of the brain that control emotion. Yello seemed very nervous while Tam was in labor. But he was watching over everything and made sure that things were running smoothly.