The Book

And Zoe had always been a lover of book and movies. Her whole life was such a twist of fate that it was not something to keep for herself. She wanted to share it too. And so Zoe finally made a decision to write a book about her story with Mark. He was so supportive of her but then he wanted to wait until it was published. He then finally got to read the book which left him in tears.

Love At First Sight

And Zoe did not even hide anything when she penned down her story with her lover. “It was love at first sight” Zoe stated in the book that she wrote. It was now clear that there was a spark that ignited in her, the very first time she saw him in the train. And also, in her book, she is motivating people to talk to their crushes even though they may be strangers.

Zoe’s Brave Act

And so in the end, everything worked ours for the eager woman who just wanted a shot with the good-looking guy on the train. This all happened only due to her bravery and determination! None of this would have been possible if she did not muster up the courage to go up to Mark and speak to him. “Never say never” she quotes herself in the book she wrote about their love life.

The Best Decision

And for Zoe, all the hard work that she had put up in trying to get close to Mark was coming to a fruitful end. She was now happy and had a lovely family of her own with the man of her dreams. And this turned out to be the best decision that she ever made in her whole life. Zoe was now a happily married mother who is in love and with two adorable boys. She was truly enjoying her time…

One Love

And after all that had taken place in her life, Zoe was now happier than she had ever been. And this is how Zoe’s story with Mark ends. She was now able to get Mark’s attention and not only that, got married to him and have kids with him. She managed to convert a complete stranger to her husband! If this does not inspire you to take charge and make something happen in your life, then what will?