Laid Back Neighbor
After enjoying the favorite TV show, the forgetful neighbor started doing his works completely forgetting the responsibilities he was given. Genevieve trusted her neighbor on to stop by her place and give a check, but nothing happened as planned. Instead, the old man was enjoying his alone time.
Sneaky Eyes
It was only when the old man realized that he has got some really important work to do, that is, to sneak in Genevieve’s place, he left his house. The old man, with all his skills, tried to open the door with the spare key, which he took from the security. As he opened the door, he was stupefied watching the scenario.
The old man while surveying the house got to see the living room muddled. He called out for the cleaners but was not getting any response. the old man grew more suspicious and began to walk inside. His survey was interrupted by an awful sight. He had no idea what was to be done next, so he called up Genevieve on priority and asked her to come there at once.
The Chaos
Genevieve was working when she got the alert call from her neighbor. She immediately left for home. She was astonished by having seen the dilapidated condition of the house. Frowning in anger, she started hunting for the cleaners. To her dismay, she got hold of both the cleaners but not in a way she expected it to be.
The second encounter with the cleaners made Genevieve reconsider her decision of leaving her house like that. She saw the first cleaner stretched on the sofa. The cleaner was having a sound sleep and had no clue that Genevieve was home already. Without waking her up, Genevieve started looking for the next cleaner.
Genevieve peeped through every room of the house, but, she was not able to find the second cleaner. She then sat on a chair and thought what if, the other lady killed the cleaner and escaped with all the stuff she got from the house? She was occupied with all sorts of negative thoughts. Her throat was getting all dried up so she went to fetch a glass of water.