The best moments of our life are unplanned and unpredictable. You step out from your place, going on with your normal day to day routine, not even imagining what uniqueness you could come across.
When this kayaker enters the Black Sea with the plan of spending a nice boating day, he unknowingly embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. And this adventurous trip will yield him treasures unknown to the locals around the black sea.
The best part is, this man decides to shoot the adventure and treasure that he discovers and the video goes viral without any doubts. And kayaking will never be the same anymore.
The Romanian Black Sea is a long 275 km stretch from the Danube Delta at the northern end all the way to the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in the south. And out of some of the amazing stories that revolve around the Black Sea, this story of George Marvell will always stand out from the list.
When we think of kayaking, the first thing that comes in mind is peddling a kayak and a normal day of boating. You think about renting a kayak, and then peddling along the beach to have a sporty and active day. Kayaking is exciting in itself. But that’s about it, right?
George Marvell
But for George Marvell of Romania, that particular day was an altogether different one. Kayaking for him was more than just coordinating his feet for peddling. He discovered something extremely precious in the middle of the Black Sea.
Black Sea
The warm weather, miles of sand on the coast of the Black Sea makes Romania even more special. And that is not all that makes the beaches of Romania the tourist attractions. There’s one thing, in particular, that does all the magic and makes the coast of the Black Sea stand from all other places.
The Ship
The black sea coast has a run-down, worn-out ship that lies right in the middle of the sea. The ship is named Empire Strength and has been in the exact same position since 1968. And when George decided to discover the inside area of the ship, he found treasure immeasurable.
The Possibility
Not a lot of people have been inside the Empire Strength due to the rusty body of the ship. The entire ship-structure has been very unsteady. That is why not many people dare to enter the ship, it can collapse any minute. But George was adamant about his decision.