Take Me Home

He put the puppy wrapped in his jacket back in the box, this time leaving it open. He picked up the box and started locking up the school. He is going to take her back to his place, for now, feed her something nice. And then he will decide later what to do next.

Later that night, the janitor fed the puppy some warm milk and leftover chicken which she devoured in minutes. He knew he will have to take her to the vet tomorrow and get that worm infection checked. But the most important aspect of this incident is finding her a home. Its as if the puppy could hear his thoughts because right at that moment, she came and snuggled into him.
To Keep Or Not To Keep

The janitor knew what the puppy was feeling. This could be her new home. But he knew he can’t keep this little one here. Adopting her would be a huge responsibility. She will grow up into a huge dog and this tiny house will not suffice. She deserved a better life than being a pet of a poor janitor who was barely earning enough wages to suffice for himself.
The Next Day

The Janitor woke up to the puppy licking his face. She was in much better spirits now that she was warm and fed and well-rested. He had to visit the vet today since he had to get the puppy tested for any injuries or health issues. The janitor knew a teacher who was a dog lover and would surely adopt her. But first, he needed to get rid of her infection and get her treated properly.
Meet Snowflake

At the vet clinic, the receptionist asked for a name. And before he could even comprehend what was happening, his mouth uttered, “Snowflake”. The janitor remembered how he found the little one, the box left outside the school. It made total sense and was perfect for her. He smiled at the puppy and said, “yeah.. her name is snowflake”.
The Vet

Snowflake did not bother him once and remained calm throughout her checkup. The vet told him she is lucky to have been found by someone at the right time, because she may not have survived another week out in that cold. All she needed now, was a little love and care and she should bounce back to her normal health in no time.