Call It A Night

A part of him knew he is being ridiculous. Why would anyone ever break into a school? But then how would one explain the box on the floor in an empty room? The janitor put his face in his hands and groaned. He is losing his mind for sure. He decided its better to just lock up and head home and call it a night.
A Cry

The janitor picked up the box and took it to the supply closet. He left it on the shelf and began to walk out, his hands were fumbling with the keys when he heard a tiny cry. This time he knew for sure where that sound came from. It was coming from behind him. It was coming from inside that box.
Opening The Box

The janitor approached the box cautiously, he grabbed it from the shelf and put it on the floor. He heard a tiny whimper as the box touched the ground. He took out his pocket knife and cut through the tape. His eyes went wide as he opened the box and realized what is inside it. It was a little puppy sitting curled up on a dirty piece of cloth.
Inside The Box

The janitor observed the puppy who was giving out a cry for help just minutes ago, her eyes were too big for her tiny face and even tinier body. She was curled in a tiny ball, probably from being too cold. Lord knows how long she has been living in this box. After all, she was not in good shape. The janitor took her out of the box and wrapped her in his jacket.

The janitor could tell that the puppy has been starving given her boney appearance, she was too weak. There were worms on the inside of her ears and fur. He looked inside the box to see if there is something that can tell him this puppy’s story. And he was right, as he found a piece of paper with a little message, taped on the inside of the box.
The Message

The message read, “Sorry it didn’t have a home and it was cold. So we are going to give it to you. Please do let it go. Find it a nice home. Thank you.”. The image of that little boy running away came flashing back in the janitor’s mind. It all made sense now. He had to help this puppy otherwise she won’t survive for long in this cold.