Wrapping Up

The janitor was busy watering the last row of plants, somehow his most enjoyable task. He liked feeling responsible for keeping them healthy. It was almost like a hobby by this point. Now only one task was left and then he will be free to go home. He made his way towards the trash cans and began to put together the trash bags, ready to throw them out.
Who Is There?

The janitor was putting aside his final trash bag when he heard a loud bang echoing across the hallways. He shot up in his spot. “Hello?”, he called out. “Who is there?”, his voice echoed back. But there was dead silence again. He shrugged it off almost chuckling to himself for being so paranoid. And then he heard the sound again.
Follow The Sound

This time he knew for sure something is out there. The sound echoed in the hallways and came from the cafeteria. The janitor got up and started walking towards the cafeteria to find the source of the disturbance. As he was nearing the back door in the cafeteria, he heard the sound of rushed footsteps crushing the snow. He immediately rushed forward and opened the door.
Running Away

As soon as the janitor opened the door, he spotted a little boy running away in the far distance. He called out to him, “Hey!” but he didn’t stop and eventually disappeared behind the alley. He assumed the little guy was just trying to mess with him, knocking the door and running away. He was about to close the door when his gaze fell upon something on the floor.
The Mysterious Carton

The janitor found a mysterious carton at the end of the stairs. He stepped outside, down the stairs to examine the box. It was not in a decent condition. It was dirty with holes in different places, ripped and taped together. There was no label on it, so he didn’t know who it was addressed to.
Taking It Inside

The janitor realized all of a sudden, why the boy ran away. He is the one who left the box on the school’s steps. But why? And who is it meant for? The icy winds were getting harsher by the minute so the janitor decided to ponder on this thought inside. He picked up the box which was surprisingly light and took it inside the building.