Plate Of Tuna
Marino dumped his desire of giving up in life. He started with a new life all because of this feline. He daily kept a plate full of tuna fishes near the bushes to feed her cat. He enjoyed seeing how the cat would turn up there every day and cherish the meal. Yet, this wasn’t all.
Hey Scout
Josh named this new friend of him as Scout. The cat would jump and sit in Josh’s lap. What connected these two all of a sudden was a surprise but all one can be sure of is that the animals have a positive impact on humans. There are the ones who can reciprocate the emotions. But, one odd day something unexpected happened.
New Love
Josh started living a happy life. He slept and ate properly and followed a disciplined schedule now. All thanks to this cat-his Scout who did wonders for him. And as things turned better, he even found the love of his life. But, suddenly Scout disappeared. Josh was distressed, but he knew he had to do good all for Scout.
High-School Lovers
Josh started dating a girl named Becky, who was from the same school as him. He remembered having known her in high school. And this time as they started hanging out he realized that this was something more than just friendship. However, Josh had never thought that Becky would bring with her a surprise.
That’s Scout
After a few months of dating Becky, the duo went to an adoption house to adopt a cat. And there Josh received the biggest surprise of his life. A cat stuck a leg and placed her paws over Josh’s arm. And with that touch, Josh realized that it was no other than her dear Scout that suddenly disappeared.
New Beginnings
Josh went back to Pittsburgh with Becky. He started with a new life there. They shifted into a new house, where Scout was joined by three other cats that Becky owned. They were a happy family now. But things did not end here, a lot more was in store for him.