Famous Community
Even though the community is really small with a few hundred people, the Ulukhaktok community is a home for the northernmost golf course in the world. The community is famous for its beautiful Inuit art, such as musk ox-horn carvings and stone-cut prints. With less number of people living up north, the place has become quite remote. The groceries are really expensive which forces people to live off the land. And do you know what’s in the land?
Along With Polar Bears
Who could have thought that along with the Polar Bears there was one more creature who walked on the same areas as them? In the north, people who live there have a different relationship with the polar bears to those who have just seen them in pictures. When the Arctic Circle gets warmer, polar bears move out in the land where they spend most of their time. And this puts them near to humans. Maybe this was the same reason this new unknown creature came out that day to meet David.
Long History
For the Inuit people, polar bear encounters have been a long history. Back in the past, the people used to hunt them, to eat their meat and use their fur to keep themselves warm against the chilly weather of the area. Fortunately, the government took notice at the downfall of their population which would have made them extinct from the current status of vulnerable species. However, the laws haven’t been able to stop the Inuit hunters who still hunt the polar bear. David was out for hunting when he spotted a creature he hasn’t seen in his life before.
Unusual Sighting
David has been hunting polar bears for years now. In April 2010, he saw a creature that literally shocked him. For a moment he just stood there in silence. That day, it was David and his wife who were out to hunt bears. It was normal for them. They were on their snowmobiles and drove to their destination, a cabin on an island. They thought that would hunt and then stay in the cabin for a night. But then things didn’t go as planned. They weren’t alone.
The Broken Place
When they reached, there was something out of the place. Someone, or something, had already been there. David and his wife went inside the cabin, to see what has just happened here. They didn’t know if the cabin was empty or someone or something was still there inside it. They moved closer to the cabin. The cabin had been ransacked. But by whom?
Let’s Leave
David and his wife decided to leave the place. They booked a different cabin for their accommodation. They drove to a different cabin on their snowmobile. There was a cabin near to the previous cabin and David knew about it. The couple reached there only to see that this cabin was also ransacked. Things were scattered around. The mattress had been pulled outside. Who did all of this? They found out.