They Deserve it
“I was blessed to have 5 kids and they are all amazing,” Lianna had expressed when asked about her experience as a mother. “I couldn’t picture my life without them. To see this family so deserving, it broke my heart,” she said, explaining how heart wrenching it was to see her dear friends struggle so much with something she effortlessly made possible. To her, the best way she could possibly return the favor of Nicole and Kevin was offering her body as a surrogate. So after the Barratini’s had Lianna as a surrogate, it was finally time for the couple to have their own kids. To say they were excited would be an understatement.
Getting Ready
The couples were exceptionally supportive of each other and there was no denying that their bond was real. Shawn had assisted Lianna with her hormone shots that would prepare her body to accept the implantation of the embryos formed by Nicole’s eggs and Kevin’s sperm. SO as soon as her boy was ready, it was time for the first “In Vitro Fertilization” or IVF attempt. But sadly, this proved to be unsuccessful again, resulting in yet another episode of heartbreak. Was this ever going to end? Will the couple ever get to experience the blessing of having a child?
Second Try
Even though this obviously left the couple in despair, they decided to toughen up and march on. They were not going to go down without a fight and they were not about to lose this fight. They did not want to lose hope, so they tried for the second time. This time, the IVF proved to be a success. They would regularly go for check-ups. Sometimes they would even show up twice a week. Both of the Fives and the Barrattinis were all very excited that all 4 were present at 95% of all their appointments.
The Announcement
If you have waited as long as Nicole and Kevin waited for this good news, you can only imagine the kind of happiness and relief they must be feeling. So, it came as no surprise that they wanted to share this golden news to the people that matter most to them. This IVF pregnancy started in the month of June back in 2015. When Labor day came, they were getting ready for the announcement party. They had 60 guests, that included the Fives’ 5 kids, aged 1 to 13. it was such a happy day and the couples announced that they would have twins, a boy, and a girl.
There was so much speculation and confusion going on between the guests. They did not really know whey they had been invited to this gathering as the invitation was not so clear about what party it was. They were all in for a very big surprise. The guests were obviously very intrigued because surrogates are not so common to see every day. Most people that attended the part had the same question of how Lianna would be able to give up the kids. “Their buns, my oven,” she would respond. “I will always have a connection to the twins, but I had problem with letting them go.”…
To the Hospital
We all know how long it takes for a pregnant mother to wait until she can finally give birth. To this couple it seems like a lifetime because they had to wait for such a long time until they finally met someone who could help. After a long 9 months of waiting, it was finally time for Lianna to give birth. Since one of the twins was breech, which meant that it hadn’t turned to be head down yet, there was a slight problem. In the end, they all decided that the babies would have to be born by opting for a C-section.