An Inappropriate Gift
48 years back Vicki bought a book named, “Love Is: New Ways to Spot That Certain Feeling.” Vicki later admitted, “I do not recall buying the book, I do not recall wrapping the book, and certainly don’t recall the book itself. In hindsight it couldn’t have been more inappropriate under the circumstances, it couldn’t have been less careless of his feelings and it just goes to show how ignorant a 15-year-old can be.”
The Reason

There was one reason for giving Adrian this particular gift and Adrian later shared it, “Well yes it is a bit of a surprise and yet I know the backstory that on the day that Victoria was buying this gift for me she fell for the other guy, so she figured she’d got the present for Adrian so I might as well just give it to him.”
Another Boy

Vicki went out to look for a gift for Adrian when she ended up kissing a guy who liked her. She said, “It wouldn’t have been so bad, but I kissed him back,” said Victoria. She knew that the relationship would be over as soon as Adrian found out about the kiss, so she broke up with him. “It was a very innocent relationship. We were in high school. I didn’t know he felt as intensely as he did.”
Finding Vicki

Adrian answered a lot of questions in the media. He said, “It took quite a long time to establish a relationship again, I had to prove to her who I was and she had to prove to me that she was who she said she was.”
Solving The Mystery

“There were three women who said they were her and we had to check them out because I asked them very specific questions about something we might have done on a date, two of them didn’t answer this one did and then we connected by telephone and as soon as I heard her voice and her kinda mannerisms I was pretty sure it was her,” recalled Adrian.
A Big Surprise

“Are you surprised that Adrian kept this present, putting under the tree year after year?” A reporter questioned Vicki. She answered, “Surprised is a bit of an understatement. Shocked! When I first heard about it I was astounded that anybody would hold a grudge that long or possibly remember me that long, or even be able to stand the temptation that long.”