Calmly Waiting For What?
“After my family opened their gifts at Christmas, there was still one Christmas gift left and it’s the gift this girl Vicki had given me. I told my family I’m never going to open that present,” recalled Adrian. The question arose that when there’s no point in keeping the gift then why doesn’t he just throw it away?
Andrian kept this gift unwrapped for over 47 years and now his wife finally had enough. “I kept it initially because I guess I had hopes that we would get back together and open it together. Now it’s just become a habit after 47 years of looking at it and having the pleasure of not opening it,” explained Adrian.
Typical Curiosity
People went nearly crazy about knowing that Adrian was holding on this gift since his teenage. Everyone wanted to know what was inside the gift. They wanted to know when will he open the gift but nobody knew he will ever open it. So, was this going to be it? Well, not everyone is as patient as Adrian.
Viral Post
One day, again near Christmas Adrian posted an old picture of his and Vicki along with the photo of the present. He mentioned his young and short-lived story. “Maybe I don’t want to know what’s inside it. It’s more exciting right now not opening the thing,” added Adrian.
Wrong Number

Adrian never expected that his post will receive so much attention from all his friends. And the comment section started to fill with requests to unwrap the gift but how could he? But seeing all the interest that people grew in his post he decided to at least get in touch with her. He started to search for his ex on the internet. Think how would his wife feel knowing that he was looking for his ex more than 30 years after his marriage!
Cooperative Wife
Adrian’s wife has always been cooperative with him. She knew that it was all about the suspense and nothing else that kept this decades-old story still so intriguing. Meanwhile, Adrian noted down many several numbers and when he tried calling one of the women, she was a 91 years old woman from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.