A Loving Man
Tristan Woods, Jungle Law attorney stated, “I knew he was passionate about this animal. He grew him up from 12 inches to almost 7-and-a-half feet, now 200 pounds. He’s very well-kept. He said he kept him better than he does himself, and by looking at him, I think that is the truth.”
Family Animals
Alligators are known for being a social creature that resides in family-like situations. Now, Sean was Katfish’s family as he had been living with Sean since his birth. And now all of a sudden he was being taken away from Sean to a different place. No wonder, he must have felt sad.
Help For Katfish
Sierra said, “Katfish is a remarkable alligator because, as you know from personal experience, he is pretty friendly. We just want to make sure that everything that’s required in his lifestyle is available to him.” Sean is not fighting this battle alone. He is being supported by a thousand people.
A Little Guy
Katfish had become an integral part of Sean’s life. He found the reptile when he was just a kid and they were together since then. Now having him taken away was very painful for Sean and Katfish both.