Using Social Media
And after excitedly hunting down Adam to tell him the good news, Alexander was left disappointed since he ended up not finding him anywhere. He had gone all over the city as he knew breaking the good news would bring a smile on the homeless man’s face too. After not being able to locate the homeless man to give him his share of the profits, Alexander decided to use social media.
To Call Him
Since he failed to find Adam in the city, Alexander ran out of options, therefore, he decided to upload a social media post. He decided to ask all of his neighbors to call his number right away if they had spotted Adam anywhere in the city. The only thing he could do now was to wait for a while until he got a phone call from someone who had located Adam.
The Long Wait
So even after realizing that the Bambi picture which Adam sold to Alexander at his store was a valuable he still did not get the chance to tell Adam. And even after posting on social media pleading people to notify if they have seen Adam, Alexander did not have any luck. And it was already two weeks since Alexander’s search for Adam went in vain…
Driving Quick
And after a long wait, Alexander finally received a call regarding Adam. It was lucky for him because one of Alexander’s neighbors had given him a call and informed him that they had spotted Adam. Since he had waited for so long for this day to come, Alexander was beyond happy. He hurriedly got inside his car and drove to the location he received.
Finally Meeting Adam
And fortunately, the tip that was given to Alexander by his neighbor ended up being helpful. Alexander was happy to know that the search for his homeless pal was successful this time around. And so when he managed to locate Adam, he did not tell him about everything just yet. He wanted to break the news properly so he took him to his store.
His Life Story First
When he took him to his store, Alexander did something he had never done before. He asked Adam about his background, how his life ended up this way. And before he could tell Adam that he would be giving him his share and that he would receive $1.700, Alexander lent his ears to hear about the heartbreaking life story of Adam the homeless guy.