What Happened Next?
And so what the homeless man had managed to get from relentless digging through dumpsters ended up being way more valuable than both of them could have ever fathomed. And so since the price of the picture was so high online, Alexander knew he had to sell this. He took the picture for only $10 from Adam but wanted to do the right thing…
Sharing The Profits
After realizing the full value of the Bambi picture, Alexander wanted to make sure he did what was right. And so, after he sold it for $3,700, he knew in his heart that Adam deserved to get half of the profits. So he did not want to rake in all the money but instead wanted to share the joy with the homeless man. This is so heartwarming, right?
Searching For Adam
As soon Alexander realized that the picture that the homeless man sold him was worth much more than the two of them could have ever imagined, he wanted to share the profits right away. As soon as he sold it, Alexander hurried to his car and he started driving all over the city. He needed to find Adam and tell him about what happened.
Where Is He?
Alexander did not take too long to make up his mind and share the $3,700 with the man who needed it much more than he or his business did. He could not wait to hand over $1.700 to Adam. Alexander was certain that Adam would make use of this money and that he could hopefully be of help to him. But he had a hard time spotting where Adam was.
Favorite Place
Like we had said, Adam had come and gone to Curiosity Inc., doing small business with Alexander often. So it is safe to say that the two have been quite well acquainted with each other. So after being sold a valuable picture, Alexander looked everywhere for his homeless pal. He began looking for Adam in all of his favorite spots that he was frequently found.
Quite A Challenge
But even after driving around town in search of Adam, he was nowhere to be found. The homeless man, unfortunately, was not found by Alexander. He went to all the places where Adam would often sleep or spend time in. But since he did not have a proper address or a phone number where Alexander could call him, it became a challenge.