A Hidden Door?

Sometimes we got to do what is right no matter what it takes and whatever the world may think of it. When a high school student found a secret room he couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment. The contents he saw inside the room were confusing him, he didn’t understand what all of it was here and for what purpose? Carolyn Collins was the only person who was aware of this secret room. What was she hiding inside? Why she has to hide anything at all? The discovery made it a topic worth discussion throughout the school as well as the whole city. Nobody thought that when a dreadful situation will appear in front of Carolyn she’ll tackle them in the way she did

Tucker High School, is the only public school in Tucker, Georgia. Although the school seemed to be like an ordinary one what was going on wasn’t normal at all. In every school, there are certain rooms where students aren’t allowed to enter without permission. Unlike other schools, Tucker high school’s cafeteria was hiding a secret room. A few months back nobody knew anything about this room but from quite some time students were talking about some mysterious place in the campus. None had any valid proofs that any secret place existed in the school. Therefore, they used to think of it as a rumor.

Existed In Reality

The so-called rumor wasn’t going to remain a rumor for too long. As the room actually existed but was never in use. But now it was regularly being used for some unknown reasons. The room was behind the cafeteria food counters. A place where students don’t go. Only cooks and janitors go behind the counters. But one room behind the counter was only opened by Carolyn Collins. No, the room wasn’t assigned to her yet she was using it, for what? The reason was still a mystery.

One Glance And Understood

He was certainly going through some hard time. Anyone could tell how messed up he was inside his head just by looking at his face. But what could anyone do about it? He himself felt awkward in sharing his problem with anyone. Mostly teenage is a confusing time when everyone goes through some ups and downs. However, this teen’s issue was not just an age trouble but something much bigger than usual teenage problems.

Noticed The Guy’s Condition

The lady janitor, Carolyn Collins was the one who noticed the boy’s worsening condition. She looked at him and understood there was something wrong. She offered him to come along with her and as he didn’t see any other option he just walked behind her. He had no idea about where he is heading.

To The Mysterious Door

They walked through the cafeteria lobby. She was heading towards the counter of the cafeteria and opened the counter door. Although he hesitated a bit when she asked him to follow her. He went inside behind the counter there was this door he never noticed before. He knew Carolyn from before as she has been working in the school for a long time. When she switched on the lights and asked him to enter, he never thought of anything like this to come up.