Still A Normal Life?Related image

Patients are scared that lung cancer will take their normal lives away from them. But not every patient is made to stay in the hospital for lengthy treatment procedures. “I encourage my patients to walk every day if they can and to socialize and find support, which is so important for recovery,” tells Antonoff.

Elderly Person Cannot Be SavedImage result for lung cancer hopes

If operated correctly, even elderly people have shown good survival rates. Their cases are more serious as they can have other conditions like heart disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, that plays a role in curing them. Researchers have stated that there is no such thing that elder people cannot be cured of lung cancer.

Does Surgery Help?Image result for lung cancer surgery

When a known person is diagnosed with lung cancer, people try to get more and more knowledge from the means of various websites, asking people, consulting with doctors. In this process, it is easy that one can get misguided. It is very commonly said that surgery doesn’t help lung cancer patients anyway which isn’t true. Surgery does not increase the risk of cancer spreading or metastasizing.


On the basis of the stages, doctors recommend one of the following treatments:

-Radiation therapy

Each treatment has its own consequences and one should be aware of all the side effects and then proceed.