Gets Look Conscious

There are many interesting facts about ovulation that you might not know before. Did you know that it is very easy to find out if a woman is ovulating or not? In ovulation, women tend to put more efforts in her looks only to look more attractive. At this time she easily gets attracted to the opposite sex. 

Law Of Attraction

Usually, women during the time of her ovulation get attracted to the healthiest and masculine male. The logic behind is that during these days a lady’s body tends to attract towards men who they think are capable enough to reproduce healthy babies. Women are never so women as they are during their ovulation. Greg Bryant told Discovery News “women ‘turn up’ everything that has to do with femininity.”    

High Pitched Voice

Other signs include having a higher pitch. Women in days when they are most fertile tend to speak in her highest tone.  Bryant further explains “evidence of a fertility-related enhancement of femininity consistent with other research documenting attractiveness-related changes associated with ovulation.”

Turning Red

A woman’s cheek turns pinker during ovulation. It was considered an unfounded myth until a research from the University of Cambridge stated that a woman tends to get redder during ovulation. However, the redness goes unnoticed by the human’s eyes.