Cue Entry- Villain Dad The story sounds too smooth, right? Well, here comes the disruption. After the engagement was announced, Janice’s father rejected Prentiss. Reason? No one has been able to figure out even 50 years later. He ordered Janice to end her relationship with Willson right away and he threatened her with shocking consequences if she did not.

Love Or Career?

50YearMarriage3 Janice’s heart was shattered because her father gave her an ultimatum that if he does not stop seeing Prentiss he will stop paying for her education. She had to make a tough decision. She had managed to acquire an education with a lot of difficulties as her father did not believe in intellectual learning.

Rejection Theories

50YearMarriage5-e1501247447180 Why Janice’s dad disapproved of Willson has not yet been discovered but there have been guesses as to what the reason could have been. Some believe that it was because Willson’s family was Jewish and Janice was a Christian. The reason could also be that since Janice’s father was a businessman, he could not find a match with Prentiss’s intellectual family. Unable to convince her father to revert his decision, Janice appealed to her mother.

The Schemes Of Women Desperate to help out her daughter, Janice’s mother registered for a second mortgage for her house so that she could support her daughter’s education without taking any help from her father for monetary contributions. However, this scheme did not transpire. Janice feared that if she dropped her education, Prentiss would lose respect for her.

Failed Assurances

Janice-wilson-mother Prentiss tried to reassure Janice that he would not leave her even if she stopped her education in between. His mother gave them the idea to even elope together. But with the loyalty towards her studies and under the pressure of her father Janice just could not agree to it. January was the month of decision.

Broken Promises

50YearMarriage14-e1501248004705 Willson tried everything in his power to keep Janice but she decided to return the engagement ring. Prentiss said, “We tried to figure things out but I guess we weren’t smart enough. We had to. We didn’t want to, but we had to.” It was heartbreaking for the both of them but they both went their separate ways after college. What would happen after 50 years, they didn’t have clue.