Social Media Rescue
The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals posted several photos of Teddy on their Facebook page. Many Facebook users cooed over him, and many users wanted to meet Teddy in person. But the shelter was looking for his owner or for someone who was willing to adopt him. But even somebody was interested in adopting Teddy the shelter had to wait until the quarantine period was over. The wait was long…
One Very Lucky Dog
Teddy who was lucky enough that day when Jim was walking his dogs in the creek. If it wouldn’t have been the situation we don’t think Teddy could have been saved. Jim was there in the right place at the right time. Even the rescue people didn’t take much time to arrive at the location. Then the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals intervened and he was shifted to the shelter for proper care. But the saddest part is that 60% of the dogs who are brought in the shelter are euthanized. Does it mean that Teddy would also see the same fate?
Shelters Are A Mixed Bag
In the United States alone, about 6 million animals are put to death annually. Of those censuses, 3 million are dogs. Because of the strays population, the shelter people aren’t able to take care of every dog as the adoption rate is very low in the state. About 700,000 dogs meet the unexpected fate through euthanization every year.
Teddy Was In Good Hands
The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals didn’t leave any vet in the city. They kept taking Teddy from one vet to another. Teddy was very friendly and he was put on several medications. Fortunately, there were no broken bones and the vet said he would be fine in no time. The vet also addressed his lethargy and immobility issues. The shelter was looking for every answer that could give new meaning to his life.
Shelters Often Use Social Media
To grab people’s attention the shelter people keep posting about the dogs on their Facebook page. Because of this activity, the shelter has been able to provide a new home to several rescued dogs in the shelter. Because of social they save lots of time, energy and money. We all know that these shelters don’t get much of funding that could take care of every dog in the shelter and social is the best way to make sure that some of the dogs can get a new life and home.
Things Started Looking Up
As Teddy’s story was circling the social media he started so signs of improvement. He was not the same Teddy which they brought in a few months back. Now, he was moving and playing with the other staff. His favorite was Jessie who was a receptionist at the shelter. Both of them got really close to each other. Even when his condition was improving and was now able to move there were no offers for his adoption on the table.