Poor Teddy
Teddy was 8-year-old when he was rescued. But the mystery about his whereabouts and how did he end up in the water remains a mystery to everybody. The most likely scenario people believed was that he was hit by a car and then ran away from the car eventually falling in the muddy water and was stuck there for only God knows how long.
Rushed Off
Teddy wasn’t in a very good condition, unable to even walk he sat there until the rescue team loaded him into a wheelbarrow. He was then taken to a car and then to the nearest vet. Everybody was praying for his betterment and nobody could tell for sure if he would even survive. Teddy was a good boy and cooperated with the team as he could sense that they were there to help him. Then they reached the vet and it was time to examine the poor Teddy. And then the veterinarian said something about Teddy…
Teddy Lives
The vet said that Teddy was very lucky on two accounts. One, he was rescued at that very crucial time when things weren’t looking good for him. Two, the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals heard about Teddy and they intervened to help him. It was because of the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals he was shifted to the Broken Arrow Shelter. But then the shelter decided something for Teddy that crushed Jim and everybody’s heart. They wanted to euthanize him.
The vet made sure to put Teddy out of his miserable condition. The vet tried the best to stabilize his condition. At the time of his rescue, frightened Teddy had actually bitten one of the team members. The team wanted to see if Teddy got rabies or something. Fortunately, Teddy was perfectly fine and the vet didn’t find any signs of rabies in him. Both Teddy and the guy was safe.
Teddy Adjusts To His New Home
Obviously, it would take some time for Teddy to properly adjust in the new environment. Even the shelter people remained patient with Teddy. For some time. Teddy was always in his guards but soon things started to change and he became very friendly with every staff of the shelter. He was a very loving and happy boy. The shelter people also loved Teddy. The other dogs in the shelter took their time to invite the new guy in the club but Teddy was a pure soul and managed that perfectly.
Teddy’s Got Problems
As we already told you. Teddy was very overweight and that condition was making Teddy’s life really difficult. He wasn’t able to move around like other dogs and that was posing his mobility challenges. And sadly, nobody came to claim Teddy. It seemed like Teddy would be staying in the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals for some time before the shelter gets some good news about his future.