She was rounding different topic and this time she took the conversation to the smartphones, “We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space to find the nearest burger joint.” This made a few of the customers laugh again!
Family Time
The lady spoke about how they used to spend time with their family and talked to each other about their day, but now everybody is interested in the phone. It seems that the phone has become an extension of a person’s body. Nobody can go anywhere without bringing their phone.
End Of The Topic
The conversation made the cashier speechless and the lady gathered her goods and made way for the next customer, the cashier was completely knocked by what just happened.
The Realization
She was done with her speech and she looked towards the cashier for one last time who was standing there quietly and astonished, and after that, the lady left the shop without any backward glance.
A Simple Mistake
The cashier was regretting and ashamed about Dorothy’s reaction on the plastic bag comment. Usually, she was used to getting the last word and telling other people how they should live. And now she was thinking about how could lecture her so much.
Dorothy left the store and made her way to the car. She was quite relieved and at the same time anguish towards the thought of the younger generation. She was feeling a little tired after her big performance and wanted to rest.