The Plastic Issue
After scanning all the stuff with a laid down expression, the cashier asked Dorothy how many carry bags she required for the stuff she purchased. Deep down, she didn’t know how many plastic bags she’d be requiring. With that dilemma in mind, she started packing the stuff on her own.
The Messing Comment

Dorothy started to load her stuff. The cashier started helping the confused Dorothy and while doing so irritably said, “You should bring your own bags as plastic is not safe for the environment.”
The Big Surprise
The old woman was startled by this comment. She had been going there for years but never got commented on this thing, she never expected any of their staff to treat her in such a way, so for her, it was a bit of a surprise.
The Head Start
So she looked in the eyes of the cashier who was aware of the fact that she has turned her focus towards her and with a very polite tone Dorothy apologized and said: “We didn’t have these green things in my earlier days.”
The Blame
Instead of accepting the apology the cashier replied in a very rude way “This is the problem for our generation now as your generation didn’t care to save the environment for the future generation.” The lady was surprised by this and surely she had enough.
The Bottle Factor
With this rudeness of the cashier, Dorothy thought of teaching her a lesson and said “Back in our days we used to return the milk bottles, the soda bottles to the shop and the store send them back to the plant where they get cleaned and sterilized and then get refilled so we did recycling back then but we didn’t have this green thing”.