What’s It Worth?

The not so usual looking piece was one of the things in the grandfather’s heirlooms and according to the family, even the grandpa did not have any idea of what was the piece’s worth. And he treated it as a usual chess piece.

“It was stored away in his home and then when my grandfather died my mother inherited the chess piece,” a family spokesperson said in a statement. And when the family was taking the grandpa’s belonging to the store, no one thought that it was worth taking to an auction store but everyone had to give up against the arguments of the grandson.
A Chat In Private

When the person who was appraising the piece of chess was finally done with the procedure, he keenly looked towards the family who was waiting for the result. He then asked the family to come inside in private as he wanted to discuss something with them.
Everything Else

At this point in time, the family forgot about everything else that was in the heirlooms of the grandpa. they were only interested in what was the worth of the chess piece. But no one had any idea what was going to happen next.
Tension All-Around

The auction store official told them all to wait in the room for some time while he gets his superiors to talk. When this all started happening everyone in the family was in shock. They did not know what was happening or even what that piece of chess was.
What’s Happening?

When the superiors arrived in front of the family, they wanted to know about what was happening?
The official calmed the family telling them that there was nothing to worry about and told then that he had a few questions for them.