“In the end, the family is all that matters.”
People use this saying way too often and they are totally correct. The story that follows is about a grandson and his bond with his grandfather. Grandfathers are one of the few family members you can walk up to and tell him everything and they’ll provide you with the best possible solutions.
But in this story, the grandfather was proving out to be really helpful to his grandson and the biggest twist is that the greatest help that the grandson received from his grandfather was almost a decade after the grandpa’s demise.
Grandpas are known for being one of the coolest members of the family. The stories that they narrate which are filled with lots of learnings and teachings and their way of making it sound fun is what is left under-appreciated.
A grandson was sad at the demise of his grandfather and fought his family to keep his belongings with him and not sell it to some antique shop or even scrap it all away. But little did his family know that this obsession of a kid with his grandfather’s belongings would turn out to be a great decision.
A Great Bond

The kiddo shared a great bond with his grandpa and for him, his grandpa was one of the strongest pillars in his life. Whenever he was sad or angry or filled with any kind of feeling that he was unable to express he would find solace in his grandfather.
Greatest Moments
The kid reminisces that he shared most of the greatest moments of his childhood with his grandfather. He remembers that his grandpa was one of his family members who always supported him in every decision of his life.
A decade after his grandfather passes away, the kid and his family were shifting to a new home when he decided that it was time that he let go of his feeling and his emotions and finally make peace with whatever had happened.
Grandfather’s Belongings
It is at that point in time, the family decided that it was in everyone’s interest to take all the things out and discard them all. But the kid who was now an adult was not ready about the fact that the belongings of his grandfather were all going to be scrapped away.