As happy as Bailey was to read the final note that her dad left her, her 21st birthday was also the harsh reality that she won’t be getting any cards or flowers from her deceased dad from the next year. She had received some beautiful and heartwarming notes from her dad over her last 5 birthdays. She decided to get a tattoo on her right wrist of her father’s last note, resembling his handwriting.
Love For Everyone
It is quite evident that Michael shared a special bond with Bailey, but he also loved and cared for other members of his family. Just 4 weeks before Michael left his body, he asked all his daughters to buy handkerchiefs and get them embroidered. He would pray on them and eventually gave them the handkerchiefs asking to tie them to their wedding bouquet.
It Was Planned
Michael knew that he didn’t have much time left to live. He knew that his absence would leave a void in Bailey’s life. Bailey Sellers was the youngest kid and also the closest to Michael. He came up with a plan to mark his presence at one of Bailey’s special moment. What’s more happening than a birthday. Right?
Bailey’s 15th birthday was the last that Michael had spent with his daughter. Michael Sellers made prepayments to arrange for birthday cards and flowers to be delivered to Bailey for the next 5 years i.e. her 21st birthday. He made the payments to a local flower shop situated near his residence.
Kristi Knew It
Just a month before Michael died, he had discussed his plan with Kristi. He also mentioned that he would want Bailey to receive flowers from other important people in her life after she gets her final bouquet. However, Bailey decided to start a tradition of her own after her 21st birthday.
Why 21?
Michael wanted to be there for his daughter but life didn’t allow him to. He had prearranged for notes and cards, that always included a special message for Bailey. He wanted to let his daughter know that she was adored but he decided to stop at her 21st as he didn’t want to constantly remind her of the loss and suffering.