Australian Marriage Act (1961)
However, Australian law doesn’t allow strangers getting married as there’s supposed to be a specified number of day’s notification in advance. As the show’s name suggests: strangers meet each other for the first time in a commitment ceremony at the altar, and head to their honeymoon right after a small chit chat session.
Any Obligations?
So, you already know that a group of experts decide, who would be the right match for whom. After coming back from honeymoon they are supposed to stay together for a pre-specified period of time. At last, they have to make a decision, whether they would like to keep seeing the partner, the experts chose for them or whether they’d like to leave.
Several Series
Although the show didn’t gain rave reviews, people love to see it. Over the years, the show has run 5 successful series. Its participants have always been in doubt and pointing fingers at other members and even the show’s authorities. Most of the people question the show’s authenticity and effectiveness.
Star Participants
While the couples of this TV series rarely ever end up together, there were Zoe and Alex who became one the most popular couple the show brought to limelight during the years of its running. Many regular viewers claimed that it was finally something real that this show had come up with. Seemed like this time the experts actually made the right choice by bringing Zoe and Alex together.
Top Reality T.V. Show
So, what actually happens when two people meet each other for the first time with the prospect of marrying each other? Just one word comes to our minds: Awkward. Yes, the situation must be awkward when two strangers meet with that sort of idea. To see the compatibility rates is the sole motive behind this agreement.
Giving Each Other A Chance
According to the show’s procedure, after the couple returns from their honeymoon and lives the specified number of weeks together and then arrives the conclusion day, ie, when the couple gives their separate views on whether they see each other marrying anytime soon. So, when the same conclusion day arrived for Zoe and Alex, both said they would love to see where their relationship could go.