A Happy Kid
It wasn’t only Melissa who had been left surprised after seeing the shining gift-wrapped presents that the policemen were holding. Phillip was at the peak of his excitement as he was about to get a birthday present. It doesn’t take much to bring a smile on a 9-year-old’s face and he deserved all the happiness in this world on his special day. By the looks of it, they had a special present for Phillips, which was a…
What’s The Present
Bill along with the other members of the North Port police department were handing out presents and special gifts to people to repay them for their kindness in the festive season. They had handed out toys, wrist watches, kitchen appliances and various sorts of gift hampers to almost as much as 15 families on that particular day. But one thing that made the occasion extra special for Phillip was that it was his birthday. He was the favorite to receive a much bigger present than the rest and as it turned out, the boy was gifted with a brand new scooter on his 9th birthday.
Inspiring Good Deeds
Officer Fussell from the North Port police department stressed about why this operation was deemed important by the bureau. “Pay it forward and create a ripple effect. You just did a good deed. Do it nice to someone else and see how many people we can affect.” said the officer. In a world where people tend to not look beyond their phone screens while they are out, there were still a few who were not only observant of what happened around them but were also thoughtful enough to reach out to the one in need and what may seem like a small act can make an everlasting impact.
Kindness Can Do Wonders
There have been times of immense tension in the past between different state police departments and the communities they serve in the U.S. So, it was a different yet nice situation to witness. And who knows you might want to help someone if you find them in trouble or simply hold the door for someone, without expecting a gift or a reward.
Spreading The Word
Melissa wanted more and more people to know about the initiative undertaken by the police bureau at the North Port and what else could possibly be better and more pervasive than social media. Melissa took to her Facebook and shared the picture of the brand new scooter her stepson had received as a birthday present with the details of how it all happened. Everyone was initially surprised much like Melissa but later went on to appreciate the initiative undertaken by the police and also congratulated Melissa for having a compassionate heart.
Gone Viral
It didn’t take long for Melissa’s post to go places. It was shared by as much as 5,000 people and she had already stopped keeping a count of the number of likes her post had received as it kept increasing with every day. Who doesn’t like happy endings? Many people took the opportunity to congratulate and wish Phillips on his birthday. Phillips was more than happy by how things were changed in a moment.