Helping Communities
The officers could see the everything that took place in the real time on a monitor screen they had set up inside their cruisers via the cameras they had installed in the very parking lot of the local Walmart. ”It could have been a $5 gift or a couple-hundred-dollar gift and to just be able to help somebody out, it’s just the deed of recognizing good behavior or a good deed,” said Officer Joseph Fussell.
Unexpected Recognition Of A Kind Act
The North Port police department was determined to raise the holiday spirit by encouraging the kind act. Melissa wasn’t the first person who had approached the old man to help him out. The department had helped almost as much as 15 families in the neighborhood. Another reason to take up such an initiative was that the police department wanted to lay a foundation to establish a relationship between the police and the community.
Better Now

Melissa was initially scared to see a bunch of police officers heading towards her. She thought she had parked her car at the wrong spot or something like that. But she was relieved to know this wasn’t the case. She expressed her feelings right after the incident. “To have cops come out and not give you a ticket or pull you over is a good thing. They are always there to help you and I think it shows the kids as they grow up these officers are here to help you.”
Good Ending To A Tough Year
Melissa was a generous and kind lady and when she realized that she was just being repaid for being herself, she was deeply moved by the fact. She had been facing tough times and her life had hit a tough patch for almost a year now. She was in distress as she struggled to pay her bills and failed to get a birthday present for her 9-year-old stepson Phillips. But the Universe is very compassionate and it always gives what you deserve.
Wrap It Up
Melissa had a heart that could feel heavily. You can tell it by her acts. Among all the people who stood there and did nothing to help Bill, it was Melissa who felt compassionate and offered her help as soon as she could. But later it was known that she wasn’t doing great in her life as well. She admitted the fact that her family was in a financial crisis for the last one year and it was too much for her to even hold her tears in when she conveyed it to Bill. While Bill stood right beside Melissa to console her, another team was busy wrapping presents for the woman and her stepson Phillip.
Best Birthday Ever
The face that wore sadness would soon put on a look of surprise as only seconds after a team made their way out of the Walmart and then with their hands full with gifts. Melissa was left surprised by what she was seeing and it was hard for her to believe her eyes. Her day was made and it all happened out of nowhere. Everyone present could agree to the fact that there was no better way to inspire people to be helpful with each other. But what was it that left Melissa dumbstruck?