After a long tiring day at the office, she returned home and fell asleep without even having dinner or checking on her daughter. Next morning the first thing she noticed after waking up was a note on the kitchen slab. The mother’s heart sank on finding out what was written inside. It was a message from her daughter who ran away from the home leaving just a note for information purposes.
A Florida girl in her early teenage years disappeared without leaving any traces. Neither her family nor her friends were able to figure out her whereabouts. Five years later, her mother received a letter stating it was from her daughter but was it really from her? Or was someone trying to make fun of this mother’s pain? Or what if there were cruel intentions behind this?
Teen Life
Panama City, Florida native, Emily Wynell Paul, a 14-year-old girl lived an ordinary teen life or at least that’s what people assumed. But one day during the month of April 2013, she took the boldest step of her life that made her stand out of the crowd. It was just a month after her birthday that she had run away.
Typical Teenager
Like a typical teenage girl, Emily enjoyed being around with friends, playing loud music, following the latest fashion, crushing about boys, and doing whatever interested her. In any condition, she didn’t wish to be disturbed by her mother and that’s what topped her lists. Didn’t she show any signs of being distant from the family?
Mother And Daughter
Emily was a sincere girl who was well aware of the fact that her mother loved her the most. Yes, they had arguments but that’s how families are. People fight and argue and yet sit together at the dinner table. Emily and her mother, Pam Massimiani were similar in many terms which was both good and bad for them. Pam always used to say that Emily was her younger version. Sometimes she was stubborn and sometimes she was sassy just like her mom.
Social Media
Emily either used to be at her friends’ place chit-chatting or in her room scrolling her social media. Those were the days when Facebook was the new big thing to connect around the world. And just like most of the teens, Emily too was addicted to this newest means of networking. Pam sometimes used to wonder what glued her daughter to this platform.
Hard Days
It was tricky to handle Emily somedays when she used to irritate her mother. Pam sometimes thought that maybe Emily did it on purpose, just to mess around with her. That’s the thing with the teenagers, they know the difference between right and wrong, however, they’ll make sure they trouble everyone around them just because of their confusing thoughts.
Teenage Life
Emily always tried to escape her mother’s company and preferred to be with her friends or use the internet. Whenever Pam tried to spend more time with Emily, she claimed that her mother treated her like a child. Pam usually laughed about it, after all, Emily was still a child. They failed each time to conclude this argument.