The Offer

She seemed to be quite calm and told him that one of the passengers had postponed his journey, so there is a chance that he could still get a first-class ticket. He couldn’t believe his ears and asked her to confirm the same. She checked in her computer and confirmed him about the vacant seat, he asked her to book the seat for him immediately.


He was all set to board the flight, he called his brother and told him about the details of his journey. His brother was extremely happy that finally, he would be able to make it to his wedding. He slept early that night so that he could wake up on time. He had already booked a cab so that he wouldn’t have any problem going to the airport.

The Flight

He reached the airport before the time because he was aware that the first-class passengers are boarded before others are. But there was another category of passengers that were boarded prior to any class of passengers. Who were they and why were they given such a privilege?

Military Personnel

There is a rule in many airlines and according to the rule, military personnel is able to board the plane earlier than other passengers boarding the flight. Many former or current members of the United States are given this special facility and are boarded prior to any other passenger so that they don’t have to hustle to get a seat. And after that, the first-class passengers are boarded.


So finally the time came when the young man was going to board the plane. He was extremely excited and wanted to take his seat immediately. He made his way through the crowd and sat on in his seat, took off his blazer and put his earphones on. He was thinking about all the things he would be saying when he would raise a toast for his brother’s wedding.


He tried to adjust in the seat but he was finding it difficult to sit there. He was tall so he needed extra legroom. However, he had to adjust in the seat somehow now, because he wanted to reach home and help in preparations for the wedding. As he was going to close his eyes to take a nap he saw something that made him contemplate his situation.