People’s Reaction
The response was huge! He got his story shared 71,000 times. People from all over the world commented on his story that went over 7000. The compassionate nature of Denis and the heart-melting story of the siblings won everyone’s heart. Every reader was amazed at the seamless affection of the brother for his sister. Indeed, the story of both the dogs emerged as a big lesson for all the people. Their selfless love for each other put a question mark over the selfish nature of people. Animals are usually considered emotionless but this story proves all those perception wrong. And it was because of this post that the dogs got their home back.
The animal shelter found their family just after four days of their rescue. Their family also had been searching for them desperately all over the place. It was because of the post that the family came to know about their lost dog’s location. The dogs were named Panda and Lucy. Panda became a hero in the true sense as he perseveringly stood side by side to his sister. Denis wanted the entire world to know about Panda’s heroic deed. The dogs had wandered away from there home and during that time only, the female dog Lucy got hit by a running train. Because of the injuries, she could not move. Finally, the two were getting the happiness back.
Happy Ending!
The story soon went viral and started making headlines. Though Denis never believed so, he had become the new hero to look up to. Denice in an interview with Dodo said “This is not my heroism. It is Panda’s.” No doubt, Denis is absolutely right about Panda but this is also true had it not been for Denis, this heartfelt story would have never had a blissful ending. Check out the eye-widening video of Panda lying down with Lucy on the railway track with the train running over them.
The Video
Denis also shared a video of Panda and Lucy. In the video, they are leaving the shelter with their health and happiness. They are going back to their home sweet home with their family. It was a very pleasant moment for Denis. He had seen them reeling under the trauma. People call Denis a hero but according to him, it is Panda who deserves this title.
Simon The Guide Dog
Dog’s loyalty is world known. In this article also we came to know about the phenomenal loyalty of a dog. Here is another, In September 2013, Dave Furukawa who is visually impaired and his four-year son Will were going to school when suddenly a Chrysler got uncontrolled and ran over both of them. Simon their pet dog quickly jumped into action and pushed the little Will to the safer side and got itself mowed under the vehicle. Unfortunately, he died in saving his owner’s son.
It’s about November 2005 when Doherty family was walking on the street with their four Labrador retrievers in Randalstown forest park in Northern Ireland when a pit bull attacked one of their Lab called Cole and bit him on his leg. After injuring the Lab he turned towards 10-year-old Ben, the youngest child of the family. But the Pitbull was stopped by Troy another Labrador, who fought with him till the arrival of police. The police shot the pit bull dead. Troy, on the other hand, succumbed to his injury and died shortly after.