Love In The Air

Soon Yulia grew up into a smart intelligent and beautiful woman. Now, she was officially Yulia Gorina for the world. Whenever she used to attend a party, everyone’s eye would be fixed on her. She was fancied by every young man in the town. But she found love in a man named Ilya Kryukov. He was 7 years older than her but their understanding brought them together. Would she be able to forget her past and start a new future with her beau?


Though she had a beautiful home, loving parents and now the love of her life by her side, the thought of her real family never left her mind. She never said that aloud in front of her foster parents because she didn’t want to hurt their feelings but she never stopped looking for them all these years. How did she finally manage to find them?

The Past

Yulia always wanted to tell her boyfriend about her past and after they had dated for a while one day she thought of revealing the truth. So after their lunch date, she sat him down at a peaceful place and told him about her childhood and how she got separated from her father on the train and was shifted to the orphanage and was then adopted by her foster parents.


She also told him that she was actively looking for them still she had no information about them. When she told him everything she was expecting some disapproving glares but her prince charming turned out to be really supportive instead. He immediately started searching for her family as soon as he reached home.

A Lead

After several unsuccessful searches, they finally managed to find a lead and hence at last found out her family too. While searching through all the possible newspapers, Ilya came across a missing report in the newspaper of the same year in which Yulia had been taken away from her father. The story and the photo resembled so much that he straight away showed to her and her eyes were filled with tears as he was finally able to find her parents after 2 long decades.

Messaging Him

She didn’t take another minute and found him on the social media and texted him right away. Her excitement was beyond explanation and she was jumping with joy. Her beau calmed her down and asked her to wait for the reply but it wasn’t easy to wait for what she had been searching for years now. After so many days of texting him, she received no reply and this made her really sad. What would she do now?