Name’s Story
In order to honor the green color of the unique pup and to maintain the surrounding’s natural theme, Louise named it Forest, since the Scottish Highlands were the ideal place and the family’s favorite, surrounded by hills and greenery.
The green color of the puppy was a temporary phenomena, so it would soon go away. Claire researched and found out the green tinge would become less and less visible with each passing weak, when the fur would grow and the puppy would be licked and washed by it’s mother.
Incredible Experience
Even though Louise and her daughter now knew that Forest would not remain green in color for much long, they were very happy that they were lucky enough to see something so unique and rare as a Bilverdin stained puppy being born.
“It was all hands on deck but then as the puppies started to arrive, we noticed that one of the puppies had green fur. We couldn’t believe it,” Sutherland told reporters. “The color has faded quite a bit already and will be gone soon, I’m told.”
Special Place
Although the Sutherland family loved each and every puppy that was born, Forest held a special place in their heart. Louise and Claire thought that the rare green color of the puppy was a sign that he should remain in their family and they should never let it go.
Hardest Part
After making the final decision of keeping Forest in their family, the hard part was to let the other puppies go away. But the family knew that it would be next to impossible to maintain so many pets at once and it would be an injustice to the puppies as well.