Weird Thoughts
Anthony had all these weird thoughts coming to him after finding so many officers in his room, what did we do? Did we break some law? Or have we broken any of the hotel’s policy? He was trembling with fear and had every reason to…
Surprisingly, they weren’t the trouble makers. The officers did not come there to arrest them or investigate anything, rather they were there for an equally astonishing reason. The reason was they had gathered there to wish Honor, a very happy birthday. Wait, what?
The whole scene was completely unbelievable for the family. For a few minutes, they really couldn’t absorb that the police officers were there actually to wish their son on his 5th birthday. That must have been a really shocking thing to witness as one does not often come across police officers turning up like that.
Tears Of Joy
Brook recalls, ““When they started singing birthday song for him, I just started crying,” Honor wanted to celebrate his birthday and with the hurricane in their hometown, this wasn’t happening. But these officers made this day special for him. But, how did the officers come to know that it was Honor’s b’day?
Scratching Head
The Brooks just had one thought that how were the officers aware that it was Honor’s b’day? After thinking a lot they finally realized that the same morning they had visited them to know about the crisis back in Southeast Texas when they just happened to slip this information to them.
The officers not only spared time from their duty to wish Honor, but they also brought him a birthday cake, sang the birthday song, and even got him a toy police car as a present for him. Honor was over the moon to get such warmth from the officers.