To Goodwill
The next plan for the bridesmaids and the bride was to remove all the cheater groom’s stuff from the house. They decided to not just throw it away but donate it all to goodwill. The bridesmaid wrote, “Tomorrow we donate her mattress to a DV shelter. His clothes go to Goodwill. She owns his laptop. His mother is taking anything else.” But this was not just it either.
Difficulty For Groom
The strong all-female group had decided to donate all of the ex’s stuff to not just one particular goodwill but in different goodwill stores of different areas so that he has no chance of getting back his stuff by finding its whereabouts. The tweet read, “Low-key update: we’ve decided to take his things to *multiple* goodwill locations. Can’t make it too easy for him to get it all back.”
The Wrath
The wrath of Medea destroyed her husband forever. The wrath of this almost-bride was not any less either. She had decided to bring the doom of her ex-fiance and she had adopted all unimaginable means to accomplish that. The ex had nowhere to go and be saved from her wrath.
Belonged Here
The almost-bride had finally reached the place where she should have been. She was saved from the unfaithful man who was going to be her life-partner very soon. She belonged to the safe place where she was now, and God had made exclusive and different plans to save her from all the wrongs.
Better Late Than Never
The truth came in front of the ex-bride at the right time. She was very lucky to have found about the true side of the man that she loved and entrusted in. It really was the case of ‘better late than never’ for her.
Most Supportive
The most supportive and helping people have been the honest bridesmaids that the ex-bride had. Friends like them are rare to find, and once found should be cherished like a treasure. If your friends are around, every situation seems easier to get out from.