A Dramatic Discovery
Moschgat who was a cadet at that time was reading a book about World War II and the Italian campaign carried out by the Allied ground when he came across something while going through the pages which made him curious. He instantly blurted out the words “Holy Cow!” and stated, “The words on the page leaped out at me,” in a book he wrote.
The Curious Connection
The reason was that the name “Private William Crawford” frequently popped up in the event he was reading about. He instantly realized that the janitor working in the academy and the man talked about in the book had some connection. He spread the news all over the class to which his friends turned a blind eye.
A Tale of Bravery
The lines,“ in the face of intense and overwhelming hostile fire…with no regard for personal safety… on his own initiative, Private Crawford single-handedly attacked fortified enemy positions,” which were being stated in US Army’s 36 Infantry Division’s encounter with the enemies near Altavilla in Italy were responsible for the developing interest of Moschgat.
An Unsung Hero
It gave the cadet goosebumps to even think of any possible connection between the person talked about and the janitor. He was dead set to unravel the truth.He wanted to find it anyhow. Eventually, his doubt was clarified when he witnessed Crawford running with the book that had initiated everything. The cadet was able to get hold of the old janitor after a puzzled chase.
The Reluctant Truth
Everyone present around the janitor was taken aback when he reluctantly replied,“Yep, that’s me” on being asked about the connection. He went on to say,“That was a long time ago and one day in my life”. Crawford was narrating the incident calmly but had no idea of it becoming the reason for increasing excitement in the hearts of the cadet.
Regaling the Past
Everyone now was aware of the fact that Crawford was no ordinary personality. The fact of him being serving the country after joining US Army in the year 1942 was now known to the whole campus. Crawford for against Italy while being a member of the 142nd Infantry Regiment 36 US Infantry Division. It was when his team found themselves facing enemy fire after attacking Hill 424 in Altavilla SilentinaSeptember 1943 that Crawford decided to come in action.