Older Than Pyramids
The test results from the lab told the historians that the hidden henge was older than the pyramids. With the help of drones, they were able to spot the henge. Who could have thought there is an ancient henge older than the famous pyramids. The discovery gave the scientists new hope and information about the past that made them realize how little they know about it.
From The Photographer
Anthony Murphy and his friend Ken Williams who was also flying his drone in the area saw Murphy calling out his name in excitement. Williams ran towards him and both of them were shocked to see the henge. “We knew fairly quickly that what we were seeing was something very special. And huge,” wrote Murphy in his blog.
The Confirmation
Murphy then sent the images to the local archeologists who told him that images are for sure of the unknown ancient henge. Did you know how old this henge was? It was 4,500-years-old. After getting the confirmation from the historians Murphy was really proud of the discovery he was able to make.
Historian Speaks
“This is internationally significant and we now need to figure out what it means, it has some characteristics that we’ve never seen before. For example, the very odd double ditch sections that make up its circumference,” told archaeologist Steve Davis of University College Dublin to Barra Best at the BBC.
Reason Behind Their Appearance
The question was why these ancient structures came out during times of drought? And why not before when there were so many other henges already present in the area. So, what are henges? The henges are created when large posts are placed on the ground in concentric circles. So, after they were no use they were burned down and the underground portions were left to rot. With time, the unused buried portion would then change the composition of the soil which would retain more moisture. It was a good thing, you see.
Good From The Henge
During the time of drought, the surrounding crops yellow and the plants which grew over the post holes have a slight advantage. “The weather is 95 percent responsible for this find. The flying of the drone, knowledge of the area, and fluke make up the rest in this discovery,” Anthony Murphy told Barra Best at the BBC.