The Results
The results were shocking! They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. A sudden feeling of excitement ran inside every member of the team. They knew that they have just found the most amazing thing which hasn’t been discovered before anywhere in the whole world. Their hard work had paid off. So, what did the results say? And what it was?
Prehistorical Henge
So, it was an ancient henge. It has been hiding right under the feet of the farmers who have been farming on the land, but no one ever spotted it. It was not their fault as it was almost impossible to find it is seen from the ground. With the help of the drones, they were able to spot. So, what’s a henge? And what was so important about it? Keep reading to know some interesting things about this mysterious henge.
Ancient Henge
The place where these henges have been found is called Brú na Bóinne. It is also a UNESCO Heritage protected site which has multiple henges scattered all over the place. But the historians never knew that there was another henge hiding in the place. How could they miss the most important one? However, they found it.
Brú na Bóinne
Brú na Bóinne is located in Ireland. The archeologists consider this place as one of the most important archeological sites. Still, many historians are studying the site every single day. But the past excavation wasn’t complete, though they thought it was. The 2019 drought brought out the hidden henge from the past that changed the course of the history.
Not Looking Good
The farmers who thought that no harm would be done to their already dying crops were angry about the investigation. Though it was they who gave the historians permission to explore the land what was left with the crops wasn’t something to happy about. They were upset.
Upset Farmers
The farmers were already unhappy with the drought situation and now their crops were looking strange which made them more frustrated about everything. But in reality, it wasn’t archeologists fault that their crops were weird but the drought that brought out the hidden henge to the surface which ruined the crops even further. It was then the historians wanted to check the land and see what was going on.