Lots Of Money
The farmers had to invest lots of money for the irrigation water supply for their land, but still, something good came out of the drought that was making their life miserable every day. Their crops were dying on which they have already spent so much money and now they had to make install an external irrigation system in order to keep their crops alive. For farmers crops are everything. Their whole family depended on it.
The Farmers Problem
Even though the farmers knew that the team was working to decrease the effects of drought somehow, they weren’t happy about it. Now, when they have spotted an important thing on few of the lands the farmers knew that they won’t be able to grow crops on their own land. Which became a problem in the investigation. The archeological team that was working hard to find the answers around the discovery also faced problem from the farmers. Archeologists wanted to explore the land and the farmers wanted to grow the crops. There was a big question of prioritizing what was important between the archeologists’ excavation and farming.
The Dilemma
The team wanted to explore the land and the farmers wanted to work on their crops as they were still losing them. There has to be a kind of solution to the problem. Indeed there was. The team asked the farmers to give them a weeks time to fully explore the land. After that they won’t stay on the land the farmers would be able to continue with their farming. The team also said that they would make sure that no harm is done to the land and the crops. The farmers could see the seriousness of the issue. They could see how important the discovery was to the team. So, the farmers agreed to the conditions.
The Investigation
The team had a week to fully explore the land. In a real sense, a week time isn’t enough. But rather than complaining about the situation the team started the work. They started collecting the evidence from the site which they didn’t send to the lab, instead they brought the whole lab near them. The lab was filled with collected specimens and more and more kept coming. Everybody was working day and night. They wanted to know what it was.
The Drone Helped
As we have already told you that without a sky view, the discovery wasn’t visible. So, the team sent the drone above the site which was sending them the live feed of the site. One team was spotting the location and the other team was checking the spot the first team told them to check. They collected samples from that location and then moved to another location to collect more samples which they kept sending to the lab for the tests. They wanted to know how old the discovery was. Which would then tell them about the period it belonged to.
The Tests
Even though they had a mini lab with them, the process is a process. Just because the lab is near them it doesn’t make the results come out anytime soon. So, rather than waiting for the results they focused on exploring the site. Remember they only had a week time. The team collected more and more evidence before the time ran out. So, they wanted to collect as many evidence as they could.