Same Mother
Katie discovered that the birth mother of Grayson and Hannah was the same. She thought it to be a miracle that both of the kids got to meet each other through her. Had she not been with Grayson, surely the siblings could not have met each other in their whole lives. She felt good that the siblings were together.
DNA Testing
To add on to her conformity, she conducted a DNA test of both of her adopted kids. The results satisfied her as the DNA matched. She contacted their birth mother, but after getting a cold response from her side, she thought of never contacting her again in the future. She accepted the kids and took up the challenges of being a mother.
One More Please!
Being a mother of two was not enough for Katie. In the year 2019, she headed forward to adopt one more kid. With Grayson and Hannah, one more kid was on the way to share a home. She promised to love three of them equally and treat them equally.
Katie’s Role
Katie played different roles in her life since her childhood. The best among them was being a mother. She always dreamt of having kids of her own, but, she could not produce one. Nevertheless, she loved her three adopted kids the same way as she would’ve loved her own. Her life journey took pace after meeting Grayson and now, she was a new Katie that was full of responsibilities.
Her Reaction
While having an interview with a leading newspaper, she stated, “I was a single woman in a four-bedroom house, and now every room in my house is full. It’s never dull. People ask me all the time, How do you do it? I never thought I’d have three babies, but God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.”