Reincarnation Perhaps?
The two had found quite the fan following on social media. There was one person who commented about George and his new pal. He claims that the duck might be his old friend Blackie. “I would remind all that those who believe in reincarnation might consider the duck to be George’s old pal come back to comfort him”.
Duck Possession
People were so entertained and intrigued by the odd pair that a lot of theories and assumptions popped up. There was yet another commenter who suggests that Blackie’s spirit had taken over the duck’s body. Is there such a thing as duck possession? If so, there is a high chance that Donald really is Blackie.
George and Donald’s Fans
Although the reason behind these tow becoming so close may never be uncovered, there is no denying that they do make a really cute pair. They soon gained many followers and fans all over social media. The positive comments that the duck and dog got touched George’s owners’ hearts and were glad their pets managed to motivate and inspire others.
An Inspiration
These days, George and Donald’s friendship is still as strong as ever. They are living proof that sometimes, opposites do attract. They have proven that love and friendship are not bounded by differences or the type of species one belongs to. We sincerely hope that they continue to make each other happy and bring joy to whomever they meet along the way…