Whose Duck Is This?
As George was still down in the dumps, sad about his lonely life, the sweet little duck waddled right up to him. George was just resting on the porch when the duck just sat next to him, cuddling up close immediately. George could no longer ignore this new companion who had just sort of ambushed him. His reaction was something that his owners could not even believe…
His Shocking Response
For a dog that had been in a downward spiral for such a long while, his owners did not expect George to react the way he did at all. As a matter of fact, George immediately cheered up. Imagine the kind of happiness and relief his owners might have felt upon seeing him perk up. It was something that had not happened for a long while. So where had this random duck come from?
An Unusual Pair
So when everything else failed and the duck managed to cheer him up, George’s owners were so glad. They were slowly giving up on him since he did not respond positively to anything they tried to help him with. Seeing him with the duck, his owner posted a Facebook update that read: “We have no idea where this duck came from. But the duck sure does loves George.”
Sweet And Naive
For a random duck to just swoop right in and immediately tear down the walls that poor depressed George had built is something truly incredible. The two had instantly made a connection with each other and now George has a friend again. Since the duck came out of nowhere, it was a little weird but to see them get close was something really sweet and adorable.
Together Everywhere
Since that strange but sweet encounter, George was no longer alone. The little white duck had found a way to win over the heart of the depressed dog like nothing could in the recent past. From the first time they met, the sweet little duck and the dog become close friends. The poor depressed George no longer felt like his life was lonely because he now had someone to share his every day with.
Two Peas In A Pod
If anyone were to tell you that a duck and a dog instantly connected on their first meeting would be something anyone would find hard to believe. After all, we have only seen this kind of friendship in cartoons, right? So even though this was indeed an odd pairing, their companionship was not bounded. The two were fit like two peas in a pod, a very weirdly shaped pod…