Starting Over

Linda came to know that Lucy had moved back to Yukon to start a new life. She remarried and had four children. Linda was happy to find out she was alive but a lot of questions were racing through her mind, why did she leave in the first place?  Did she not want to be a part of their family? Rhonda gave her Lucy’s number to get all the answers she wants.

The Phone Call

Linda braced herself and dialed the number, her heart was pounding in her chest. She just didn’t know what to expect. But when she heard her voice on the other end, it was difficult to hold back her tears. Linda told Lucy who she was and referred to her as ‘mom’ and it was the strangest feeling but also a warm one. 

The Invitation

Lucy invited Linda to Yukon, she wanted to meet her in person. Linda was finally going to meet her mother after all these years and she was ready. She couldn’t be more excited. Especially because she had this whole other family she never knew about. She booked the next available flight to Yukon and set off.

The Reunion

As Linda stepped out of the terminal, she spotted her mother just as their eyes met. It was a surreal feeling. Lucy could see her eyes in Linda’s eyes, she recognized her daughter immediately. It was an emotional reunion, to say the least. They hugged each other and didn’t let go for what seemed like forever. Finally, Lucy took her daughter home.

Opening Up

Granted that Lucy was Linda’s mother, but she was nothing but a stranger at the moment. Linda was barely seven years old when her mother disappeared and after that, she didn’t have many memories to remember her. Even though the woman recognized her immediately, Linda didn’t know her mother. Despite that, she wanted to open up to her mother and have a conversation.

Happy To See You

Of course, Linda was crazy happy to see her mother. She had waited for this moment for so long she never thought it would come. But she kept wondering, what would it be like to have a mother again? Is she ready to know the answers she has wanted all her life?