What happened next was unimaginable. There was no reason that the couple would be in doubt about a mishap since everything seemed normal to both of them. But suddenly, at around 8:00 pm when the two were changing channels to decide what to watch, something happened…
The Disaster
Without any prior sound or something unusual, when the couple was busy watching TV, the house exploded! There was a sudden thudding voice and everything was destroyed! What had exactly happened? The house seemed to have no problem at all.
Morning Of 24th
When Amanda and Ricky had gone to Bangor, McKusick Petroleum was to come to their house behind them and install a regulator on a propane tank that would be used to fuel their gas stove. But that work was done properly and their was no note of warning from the workers either.
After Explosion
After the whole place exploded, Amanda told, “I recall the feeling of flying through the air, seeing a ball of fire but not feeling hot, and waking up outside on the ground with something on top of me.” And where was Ricky?
Lost Underneath
Amanda was stuck under the broken roof of the house the couple had just bought. Ricky on the other hand, crawled out of the debris somehow to find Amanda. He found her deep inside the rubble and removed debris from all over her and they both ran towards the road.
Burning House
The couple, injured and stunned, stood on the road and stared at whatever was left of their dream home. There was hardly anything left of it. And just a few minutes ago, they were sitting so happily on the couch and nothing was there.